May 4Liked by Bella Foxwell

loved this Bella, i seriously struggle with this kind of stuff as an artist. Feel that if i do the education bit though that I'll attract fellow artists rather than collectors? I need to keep working on it all kx

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You don't have to do as much education... you can definitely do more of the 'behind-the-scenes' because you're a creative as opposed to a service-based business or educator. Hooks like: 'What a morning looks like for a XYZ artist' OR 'Paint my next commission with me' OR 'This painting took me X days/months to make' (as you reveal it to cam) OR '4-hour painting session' (start with blank paper/easel and then show clips of the progress of the art being applied/created!. Hope that helps x

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Wow thanks Bella, sooooo helpful I'm going to try these!


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This is brilliant, I’m going to try the first one now!

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Let me know how you get on! Thank you David πŸ₯°

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