As a regular user of Instagram since 2016, I agree wholeheartedly with all your points here. Organic growth is definitely slow - for me, zero to 4,170 in eight years - but this feels far more authentic and sustainable. I still very much enjoy Instagram, but I have had to build a slower and gentler relationship with the app over the years. I am in control, not the app.

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You and me both, David! It's become much easier over the years to detch myself emotionally from the platform. Didn't always used to be that way! Thank you so much for your lovely comment ✨

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Great read, I pulled away from instagram but need to re-engage with it and others, this is the push I needed. Potential clients of mine really do use it as a digital store front and I’ve had feedback that they were worried I wasn’t working anymore since my feed was rarely updated 😳

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They really do notice, don't they? Which is surprising and heartening in equal measure. I really need to get back on it too, Amy 🤦

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Super helpful

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Thank you so much, Claire x

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Jun 3Liked by Bella Foxwell

Good to read this and I do now genuinely feel little less crap, thanks Bella!

Organic growth is v slow indeed and I still need to work on "pain points" for sure, no clue what they are for my audience but gonna keep digging.

Please keep your content coming, I love and totally relate, thanks for being honest! Kx

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Thank you so much Kelly! I so appreciate you xx

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